What We Do
What We Do

We Generate Insights and Craft Strategies to Commercialize Ideas

The core of the Carelli Design objective is to develop solutions that create a harmonious relationship between people and their environment, both natural and man-made. Our mission is to provide clients with innovative solutions, state-of-the-art design, and design-related information to help them develop more human-focused, intelligible products, services, communications, environments, and brand experiences. In practical terms, the "harmonious relationship" is therefore translated into human-centered solutions for consumers, value for our clients, and respect for the environment —our objective as well.

50 Years of Making the Future Happen

We have been providing solutions to meet an increasingly complex set of business needs to some of the world's most noteworthy brands for the past 50 years. Our services include product and experience design, mechanical and software engineering, brand innovation, advertising, photography, audio and visual communication, film, web development, and everything in between, across multiple technologies, platforms, and media. More About Our Services

Innovation is Saying No to Almost Everything

Progress. It defines the force behind every pencil line we draw, every calculation we make, and every idea we deem not good enough. It's taking what seems undoable and then doing it. It's discovering what no one else has bothered to discover. It's turning skeptics into believers, changing minds, touching hearts, and moving markets. From passion comes creativity, and from creativity and perseverance comes better answers —Vittorio Carelli, Founder and CEO, Carelli International Corporation.

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What We Do
    Strategic Solutions
    Product Design
    Interaction Design
    Model & Prototyping
    Design Research
    3D CAD Modeling

The Process of Innovation
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    Multi-disciplinary Teams
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What We Believe
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    Sustainable Future

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Where We've Been
    50 Years of Innovation

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